

By Pastor Jaco Mostert 29 August 2022

REVIVAL 31/10/21

Receiving revival is about the faith we have; and about the hunger and thirst we have.

Revive means: For example, it’s like having a car which is in a bad condition, and bringing it to its original state. Cleaning and fixing it again to look like it’s supposed to. That’s reviving the car.

I believe God wants to bring us back to the predestined plan that He had for us.

This also means that we have to repent from our current state of seeing and believing that isn’t in line with God’s Word and plan for us. It’s asking God to revive every part of us and our life. God must open up for us a new vision and direction.


Revival can’t happen without us coming close to God, but we can’t get close to God if there’s things in the way. Unconfessed sins between us and God is what causes the fire to not come.


Psalm 139: 16

You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.


God knows everything, and I believe if you stay close to God you will get to the A-plan God has for you.  If you stay close to Him, you stay close to The Life – and the blue print of your life is found in Him. If you leave Him, you leave The Life, where your life is found. So, you then eave your predestined life.


Romans 8: 29 – 30

 For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. 30 And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.


God foreknew you and predestined your life. You were born for a time like this. God could’ve had Peter and Paul in this time and age, but He chose to have you here. The early time church Apostles could’ve been here as the end time church saints, but God chose us.


We must make sure that we are busy with the right things. If we are busy with the right things, we don’t have time for the wrong things. If you eat the right food, there’s no place for the junk food. If we eat the junk food, there isn’t place for the right food. If we spend too much time in the things of this world, we won’t have room left for God to fill us with what is good.


Most people first need an awakening.

It means to wake up and realise that we need something. It’s to realise that maybe I have missed it somewhere.

Many Christians don’t receive the things of the spirit because they are stuck in the soulish realm. They are not pressing into the Spirit. 

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