Lockdown Introspection

Lockdown Introspection

By Pastor Jaco Mostert 2 June 2021

Are you readying yourself for the rapture?

We are in a season where you need to make right with God.

You need to be under the covering of God and keep your lamp full.

Are you more concerned with worldly things or the kingdom?

What must we do during this time?

We are in a season where you need to make right with God and get into the place of authority to stand against the plague and the evil rulers.

You need to be obedient and patient. Make sure when the plague comes that your house and heart is covered by the blood of the lamb so that sickness will Passover

You need to praise God in the midst of the problems

Where is God in your life?

Make sure that you put God in the first place of your life, He should be the one who is above the sickness and the one who will provide your every need, do not put worldly things like Netflix above spending time with God. He should be your first love.

If you are going to wait for something bad to happen to turn back to God it might be too late God is going to come when you least expect it.

Are you in the right place with God?

If you are rattled about what is going on around you, you are not in the right place. You are supposed to be above the problems of the world. You need to humble yourself before God. If you get offended and scared with what God is doing with the virus,

you are in the wrong place.

What does God want you to do?

You need to humble yourself before God and understand that you have been sinning and make right with him. You need to stay close to God At this time. He will send you wisdom and show you what to do.

Why is God allowing the virus to happen?

People forget God when things are easy so He is using this to humble us and to give us a Grace season to turn back to him. This will end when His people have turned back to God. He does not enjoy seeing his children suffer but He is more after saving your soul.

Are you okay with living in sin?

God’s grace gives us the power to say no to sin but if you don’t confess your sins when you know you did wrong God will give you over to the sins, it will separate you from him.

The sin of the world is unbelief, but faith in God will cause obedience.

Sin comes from the lack of knowledge and fear of God.

Sin is a choice and you will fall if you are not under God's will.


How is it that the people will only listen when things go wrong 10:50

Are you rattled by what is going on around you? 11:00

What about the kingdom- where is God in your life 14:30

Do you think God enjoys humbling people? - He is after their soul 21:04

Offended with God you are in the wrong place 37:54

Praise God in the midst of your problems 39:04

What is the outcome for those who do not believe 43:21

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